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[sh tn / tbsp (US)] to [lb av / tsp (imp)]

« from sh-tn / tbsp-us
Switch ⇆ : from pound (avoirdupois) per teaspoon (imperial) to ton, short per tablespoon (US customary)

Convert density from ton, short per tablespoon (US customary) to pound (avoirdupois) per teaspoon (imperial).
Conversion number is 800.6332836699, this means that sh tntbsp (US) is bigger unit compared to lb avtsp (imp).

Enter the density in ton, shorttablespoon (US customary)

sh tn
tbsp (US)
800.6332836699 lb av
tsp (imp)

Result is in pound (avoirdupois)teaspoon (imperial) .
Calculation process:

sh tn / tbsp (US)
907.18474 [kg/sh tn] / 0.45359237 [kg/lb av]
5.91938802083333E-06 [m³/tsp (imp)] / 1.478676478125E-05 [m³/tbsp (US)]
= 800.6332836699
lb av / tsp (imp)


Bulk conversion [sh tn / tbsp (US)] => [lb av / tsp (imp)]

[sh tn/tbsp (US)][lb av/tsp (imp)]

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More about base units:

• 1 ton, short [sh tn] ≡ 2000 lb = 907.18474 kg, definition: 2000 x 0.45359237 kg. Avoirdupois pound (lb)
• 1 tablespoon (US customary) [tbsp (US)] ≡  1⁄2 US fl oz = 1.478676478125E-05 m3, definition: The traditional US interpretation of the tablespoon as a unit of volume is 3 teaspoons or half US fluid ounce= 14.78676478125×10−6 m³. A. Thompson and B. N. Taylor. The NIST Guide for the use of International System of Units. United States Government.
• 1 pound (avoirdupois) [lb av] ≡ 0.45359237 kg = 7000 grains = 0.45359237 kg, definition: By definition, 1 lb av ≡ exactly 0.45359237 kg. United States National Bureau of Standards (1959-06-25). Notices, Refinement of values for the yard and the pound (PDF)
• 1 teaspoon (imperial) [tsp (imp)] ≡  1⁄24 gi (imp) = 5.91938802083333E-06 m3, definition: Imperial teaspoon is volume unit (widely used in cooking recipes) equivalent with 1/24 of imperial gill = 5.91938802083×10−6 m³. In fraction: 1 tsp (imp) ≡ 1.420653125/240000 m3. conversion.org/volume/teaspoon-imperial/