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[lb av / cu in] to [oz / tbsp (imp)]

« from lb-av / cu-in
Switch ⇆ : from ounce (US food nutrition labelling) per tablespoon (imperial) to pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch

Convert density from pound (avoirdupois) per cubic inch to ounce (US food nutrition labelling) per tablespoon (imperial).
Conversion number is 17.555153181363, this means that lb avcu in is bigger unit compared to oztbsp (imp).

Enter the density in pound (avoirdupois)cubic inch

lb av
cu in
17.555153181363 oz
tbsp (imp)

Result is in ounce (US food nutrition labelling)tablespoon (imperial) .
Calculation process:

lb av / cu in
0.45359237 [kg/lb av] / 0.028 [kg/oz]
1.77581640625E-05 [m³/tbsp (imp)] / 1.6387064E-05 [m³/cu in]
= 17.555153181363
oz / tbsp (imp)


Bulk conversion [lb av / cu in] => [oz / tbsp (imp)]

[lb av/cu in][oz/tbsp (imp)]

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More about base units:

• 1 pound (avoirdupois) [lb av] ≡ 0.45359237 kg = 7000 grains = 0.45359237 kg, definition: By definition, 1 lb av ≡ exactly 0.45359237 kg. United States National Bureau of Standards (1959-06-25). Notices, Refinement of values for the yard and the pound (PDF)
• 1 cubic inch [cu in] ≡ 1 in × 1 in × 1 in = 1.6387064E-05 m3, definition: ≡ 0.0254³ = 16.387064×10−6 m³. See also: International inch
• 1 ounce (US food nutrition labelling) [oz] ≡ 28 g = 0.028 kg, definition: The ounce (abbreviated oz) is a unit of mass used in most British derived customary systems of measurement.. US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Section 101.9, Paragraph (b)(5)(viii), retrieved August 29, 2009 (link moved, 2017-04-04)
• 1 tablespoon (imperial) [tbsp (imp)] ≡  5⁄8 fl oz (imp) = 1.77581640625E-05 m3, definition: Imperial tablespoon is a unit of volume, especially widely used in cooking recipes and pharmaceutic prescriptions, equivalent with 5/8 imperial fluid ounce = 17.7581640625×10−6 m³. conversion.org/volume/tablespoon-imperial/