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[cg / tsp (imp)] to [oz / US fl oz]

« from cg / tsp-imp
Switch ⇆ : from ounce (US food nutrition labelling) per ounce (fluid US customary) to Centigram per teaspoon (imperial)

Convert density from Centigram per teaspoon (imperial) to ounce (US food nutrition labelling) per ounce (fluid US customary).
Conversion number is 0.001784301824205, this means that cgtsp (imp) is smaller unit compared to ozUS fl oz.

Enter the density in Centigramteaspoon (imperial)

tsp (imp)
0.001784301824205 oz
US fl oz

Result is in ounce (US food nutrition labelling)ounce (fluid US customary) .
Calculation process:

cg / tsp (imp)
0.00001 [kg/cg] / 0.028 [kg/oz]
2.95735295625E-05 [m³/US fl oz] / 5.91938802083333E-06 [m³/tsp (imp)]
= 0.001784301824205
oz / US fl oz


Bulk conversion [cg / tsp (imp)] => [oz / US fl oz]

[cg/tsp (imp)][oz/US fl oz]

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More about base units:

• 1 Centigram [cg] =1x10-5 kg = 0.00001 kg, definition: . National Institute of Standards and Technology (October 2011). Butcher, Tina; Cook, Steve; Crown, Linda et al. eds. Appendix C – General Tables of Units of Measurement (PDF) p. C-4
• 1 teaspoon (imperial) [tsp (imp)] ≡  1⁄24 gi (imp) = 5.91938802083333E-06 m3, definition: Imperial teaspoon is volume unit (widely used in cooking recipes) equivalent with 1/24 of imperial gill = 5.91938802083×10−6 m³. In fraction: 1 tsp (imp) ≡ 1.420653125/240000 m3. conversion.org/volume/teaspoon-imperial/
• 1 ounce (US food nutrition labelling) [oz] ≡ 28 g = 0.028 kg, definition: The ounce (abbreviated oz) is a unit of mass used in most British derived customary systems of measurement.. US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Section 101.9, Paragraph (b)(5)(viii), retrieved August 29, 2009 (link moved, 2017-04-04)
• 1 ounce (fluid US customary) [US fl oz] ≡  1⁄128 gal (US) = 2.95735295625E-05 m3, definition: US fluid ounce is unit of volume (or capacity) equal to 1/128 of US fluid gallon ≡ 29.5735295625×10−6 m³. See also: US gallon (fluid)