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UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene density

Density of UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene is 940 kg/m3 (Min - Max values: 930 .. 950 kg/m³). *

Volumetric mass density of UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (plastic) in other popular units:

= 0.94 [kg/L] or [g/mL] or [g/cm3] or [t/m3]

= 0.54335447168 [oz/cu in] (Avoirdupois ounce per cubic inch)

= 0.9805850264 [oz/US fl oz] (Avoirdupois ounce per fluid ounce)

= 0.03395965448 [lb/cu in] (Avoirdupois pound per cubic inch)

= 58.68228334 [lb/cu ft] (pound per cubic foot)

= 1584.421606 [lb/cu yd] (pound per cubic yard)

= 7.844680183 [lb/US gal] (pound per US liquid gallon)

Specific gravity (or relative density)

SGw4°C = 0.94002359459222 (relative to 4°C water)

SGair20°C = 780.66605763641 (relative to 20°C air)


UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene mass?

To calculate UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene mass, enter the volume and select units for volume and mass:
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UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene volume?

To calculate UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene volume, enter the mass and select units for mass and volume:
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Enter the number, chose units and click on "=" button. Popular units are marked with RED letters. More about used mass- and volume units you can find on conversion.org website

Notice: Don't be confused with expression: "weight of UHMWPE - Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene". Unit for weight is Newton, N = mass × g ; where g=9.81 m/s2.

*Source: Omnexus, SpecialChem SA, Retrieved 2021-02-03