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Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid density

Density of Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid is 1048.111173 kg/m3 . *

Volumetric mass density of Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid (Food, Beverages, non alcoholic (including soft drinks and juices)) in other popular units:

= 1.048111173 [kg/L] or [g/mL] or [g/cm3] or [t/m3]

= 0.60584669432694 [oz/cu in] (Avoirdupois ounce per cubic inch)

= 1.0933639598365 [oz/US fl oz] (Avoirdupois ounce per fluid ounce)

= 0.037865418395434 [lb/cu in] (Avoirdupois pound per cubic inch)

= 65.431443431708 [lb/cu ft] (pound per cubic foot)

= 1766.6489233949 [lb/cu yd] (pound per cubic yard)

= 8.7469116472489 [lb/US gal] (pound per US liquid gallon)

Specific gravity (or relative density)

SGw4°C = 1.0481374812508 (relative to 4°C water)

SGair20°C = 870.45193339424 (relative to 20°C air)


Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid mass?

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Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid volume?

To calculate Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid volume, enter the mass and select units for mass and volume:
Volume: ?

Enter the number, chose units and click on "=" button. Popular units are marked with RED letters. More about used mass- and volume units you can find on conversion.org website

Notice: Don't be confused with expression: "weight of Juice, apple and grape blend, with added ascorbic acid". Unit for weight is Newton, N = mass × g ; where g=9.81 m/s2.

*Source: FAO/INFOODS (2012). FAO/INFOODS Density Database Version 2.0. FAO, Rome. , Retrieved 2020-09-20
  ↦ U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2011. Specific Gravity of Selected Beverages from USDA’s Nutrient Databank System. [Unpublished Data]