« from gr / cm3
Switch ⇆ : from ton, long per hectolitre to grain per cubic centimetre
Convert density from grain per cubic centimetre to ton, long per hectolitre.
Conversion number is 0.0063775510204082, this means that gr⁄cm³ is smaller unit compared to long tn or ton⁄hL.
Enter the density in grain⁄cubic centimetre
gr | |
cm³ |
0.0063775510204082 | long tn or ton |
hL |
Result is in ton, long⁄hectolitre .
Calculation process:
You can enter your own numbers (one per line) or just generate some numbers and convert them. The results you can copy-paste to Excel for example.
• 1 grain [gr] ≡ 1⁄7000 lb av = 6.479891E-05 kg, definition: The grain is the same in avoirdupois, troy, and apothecaries units of mass, ≡ 64.79891 mg. National Institute of Standards and Technology (October 2011). Butcher, Tina; Cook, Steve; Crown, Linda et al. eds. Appendix C – General Tables of Units of Measurement (PDF) old. C-6
• 1 cubic centimetre [cm³] = 1 cm × 1 cm × 1 cm = 0.000001 m3, definition: One cubic centimetre is volume equivalent to cube with base of 1 cm. In 1 litre there are 1000 cubic centimetres.. See also: centimetre
• 1 ton, long [long tn or ton] ≡ 2240 lb = 1016.0469088 kg, definition: 2240 x 0.45359237 kg. Avoirdupois pound (lb)
• 1 hectolitre [hL] = 100 L = 0.1 m3, definition: Hectolitre is equivalent to volume of hundred litres. See also: Litre